Emine Akbaba

Emine Akbaba

Emine Akbaba



Series: and I sometimes miss my cage 

Series: and I sometimes miss my cage 

Series: and I sometimes miss my cage 

The economy is weakening in Iran, life is guarded. Norms are controlled by the Iranian guardians of public morals and bolstered by the importance of family structure.
Obeying Islamic rules and adhering to the family structure is necessary. A university degree no longer automatically ensures a job these days in Iran. The younger generations are disappointed with president Hassan Rouhani. They expected life to get better when sanctions were lifted after a deal was reached in 2015.
So it was even more disappointing when Trump withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal and all American sanctions against Iran went in full force on November 5th, 2018.
And during all this, a whole generation is on the run from political and religious persecution. They glance towards the promise of freedom offered them in Europe, Australia, and Canada and yet, are hesitant to leave their country; knowing they will so-metimes miss their cage.






WEDEER GEFANGEN NOCH FREI/ and I sometimes miss my cage.


WEDEER GEFANGEN NOCH FREI/ and I sometimes miss my cage.


WEDEER GEFANGEN NOCH FREI/ and I sometimes miss my cage.



The Magenta Foundation gratefully acknowledges the support of TD Bank Group for their ongoing commitment to Flash Forward and to emerging artists.

© 2019 The Magenta Foundation