Kate Ovaska

Kate Ovaska

Kate Ovaska

United States

United States

United States

Second Sight: A Memoir

Second Sight: A Memoir

Second Sight: A Memoir

My baby was born upside down in a wholly translucent white sac. We inverted each other, time pulled through us and turned right side out. She won’t recall these early days but they will be in her. I will collect moments so she can wade in her early self, and examine them through me. A mother knows what her child goes through even if she didn’t see it.
 Before I met my baby, I found my biological grandmother. She appeared to me in a pregnancy dream: I was in labor and put under anesthesia. When I woke up, my baby was gone. They took my baby before I could see it was a girl. Time makes things look separate when they are not.


The Magenta Foundation gratefully acknowledges the support of TD Bank Group for their ongoing commitment to Flash Forward and to emerging artists.

© 2019 The Magenta Foundation